
Miqura energy boosting flow foot mask socks review


This summer I have definitely paid a lot of attention to my feet. All year long I take care of my feet, every night before bed I apply foot cream and I make sure to exfoliate and push down cuticles, so my feet care doesn’t change much depending on the season. But this summer I bought some foot masks, which I haven’t used before, so I feel like this summer my foot care was on point. I saw Miqura foot mask socks in a local store and packaging really drew me to this product. It looked so interesting and I thought this could be the perfect product for the self care night. I didn’t try any Miqura beauty products before, but this is a Danish brand. Miqura Energy boosting flow foot mask socks are actually manufactured in Korea, but Miqura is a Danish brand. As you can see in the photo I bought another pair of Miqura foot mask socks that I will review in a separate blog post soon. Today I will share with you my opinion and full review on Miqura Energy boosting flow foot mask socks.

Packaging of this Miqura mask is super cute. I love the colours of the packaging, the product looks so cute and it is definitely eye-catching. This is foot mask socks that are filled with creamy serum that is enriched with orange and papaya. This is supposed to be an energy boosting and refreshing foot care product. It is supposed to supply skin with moisture. Miqura foot mask socks are recommended for all skin types. Obviously you get two socks that are in the same colour like the packaging of the product is. Foot mask socks have interesting prints all over them and they look really cute. These socks are actually really comfortable and you can wear them while walking easily. Socks are plastic, they have secure closing so they don’t fall off feet. Inside of plastic socks is a thin, white sheet that is actually like a sheet mask for feet. White thin fabric is saturated with serum that smells like sweet orange. Actually these socks are not overly wet, they contain a small amount of serum. Miqura energy boosting flow foot mask socks is 39 DKK which is around 5 Euros which is not super affordable, but it is ok price for a treatment that you use every few months or so.

Pamper yourself with Miqura Zen Beauty foot mask, perfect for a relaxing foot care routine

Miqura Energy boosting flow foot mask socks are really comfortable to have on and you can walk with them easily. That means that you can do this treatment while doing stuff which is great in case you are busy and can’t take time to relax and wear these. On the packaging you can read that you can wear Miqura foot mask socks for 15-20 minutes, but I wore them for longer definitely. I wore them for about 40 minutes and then took them off and massaged the serum onto my feet. I was amazed with the result, my feet were extremely soft and smooth after this foot mask treatment. I love how soft my feet were, extremely soft, smooth and skin was very well nourished and even heels were extremely soft. I would say that Miqura Energy Boosting flow foot mask socks are an amazing product and I really like how caring it is. This mask definitely makes an amazing difference to the way feet look, it makes them extremely smooth, soft and hydrated.


I was amazed with the results this Miqura foot mask gave, I never had this type of result with any foot cream that I used and I used so many different ones. I’m really happy that I tried Miqura Energy boosting flow foot mask, this is an amazing product and I would definitely recommend it. I would say that this foot mask makes an amazing difference before and after use and it is definitely a miracle product, something like sos product for feet when they need some extra care and love. This is not a super affordable product, but I think it is totally worth the money. I would definitely continue to buy Miqura Energy boosting flow foot mask socks, I really like them and I will definitely use them more often from now on and always have them in beauty stash for emergencies.


All in all I’m a huge fan of Miqura Energy boosting flow foot mask socks, I love how it makes my feet look and feel. This is going to be a product that I will always have in my beauty stash, because it is great to completely transform the look of feet in 30 minutes. I think the Miqura foot mask is completely worth the money and I will repurchase it as soon as possible. That’s all from me for today. I hope you enjoyed this review. Let me know if you maybe tried Miqura Energy boosting flow foot mask socks? Do you use a foot mask in your beauty routine? Did you try this type of product in your beauty routine? What is your favourite foot mask that you tried by now? Thank you for reading. Have a nice day! xx

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