
How I take care of my body since dealing with eczema rash


I never really had issues with my body before. I used to get rash as a kid in summer time on holiday from the sun, but other than that I had no issues with my skin. I got sick with a common cold and was feeling ill for 2-3 days. Then I noticed a rash all over my body that was really red, I had red patches all over my body. It was in some areas dry and flaky, but mostly it just felt uncomfortable and a bit itchy. I completely freaked out as I never had anything like this, so I went to the doctor that same day and they thought I somehow triggered an allergic reaction by eating something or using something on my skin. But I knew what I ate, what I wore and I didn’t use any new products. Read more to find out all about my eczema care!

I got some medicine and they sent me home. But when I woke up, the rash was still on my body, it felt really uncomfortable and it felt like my skin was really irritated and extremely sensitive. I knew I had to seak up dermatologist which I did second day. Of course I did my own research before seeing the doctor and it just looked like eczema or atopic dermatitis, but I didn’t know much about eczema care, so I knew I need recommendations by professional. After checking my skin she said it is common during winter time to get it, so that I should not worry about it too much, we can treat it. She said it might be stress that caused it, winter weather, dehydration, something that I wore on the body etc. She gave me some medicine and two creams for eczema care (Bepanderm and Elocom) to apply onto the rash twice a day. I did my eczema care treatment for five days and my skin got a lot better. Rash was not as red as before, it started slowly going away. I had to continue with the treatment for the next five days. After that my skin was really good, the rash was gone and my skin just looked like it needed hydration.


How I take care of my skin now is the question. I’m really trying to use really simple products, fragrance free and gentle for the skin. I’m still hesitant to go back to usual skin care products that I would use before with fragrance in. For a daily shower I usually use Bioderma Atoderm ultra soothing soap that is a really gentle and simple product. Sometimes I would use my feminine wash as a body wash, because that one is also fragrance free and really gentle. My current feminine wash is Avon Gentle feminine wash with camomile. Hydration is key to keep skin in optimal balance, so I try to drink water as much as I can. I have to be honest I don’t drink water a lot, which I know is really bad. I’m trying to change that habit, so I have been really keeping track of how much water I drink and I’m getting better at it.

Discover relief and comfort with Balea, Bioderma, and Avene for eczema rash care

I have three body lotions that I currently use. I always put body lotion on after a shower. I did that my whole life, but now I apply body lotion before going to bed also. I usually have a morning shower, so that works great for twice a day body lotion. Since doing this I noticed massive change in my skin. It looks hydrated all the time and it is extremely soft and smooth. I love Vaseline Advanced Repair unscented body lotion, this one is thick and very nourishing. You definitely feel it on your skin for about 10-15 minutes until it completely absorbs. This one is heavy duty and it is great as an after shower moisturiser. As a good daily option for body lotion I have been using Balea MED Ultra sensitive body lotion. This one is lightweight and it moisturises instantly. This one is great if you have really sensitive skin, as it has really simple ingredients. As another great daily lotion, but a bit more heavy duty I use Balea MED oil body lotion. This one contains fragrance, but it has a very mild scent. This one leaves skin glowy and it is great, I really enjoy using it.


That is all from me today.I hope you enjoyed this blog post and my story. I’m just sharing what helped me with this problem, but if you have eczema or any other skin condition definitely seek professional help. I’m sharing what kind of body care helped me to keep this condition from returning. Do you have sensitive skin? What is your body care routine? Have you ever had atopic dermatitis or some kind of eczema? How did you treat it and how do you take care of your skin now? Thank you for reading. Have a nice day! xx

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