
Current favourite meals to make


I’m not someone who loves cooking, but I learned to enjoy it and not hate it. I always hated cooking because it would be so much work and I would get so tired, but now I kinda learned to manage it, cook more simple meals that require less work, so cooking is not that much of a hassle. I like simple meals, Italian cuisine is my favourite usually, I like any type of pasta to be honest and I could eat pasta daily. Sometimes I cook something different and experiment, but the meals that I will share today are favourites and safe options for when I don’t know what to make. These are pretty simple meals, so I don’t have any measurements. I just usually put stuff in from a feeling. It usually works, so I would advise to just taste till you are happy with the taste.

Pasta with chicken and pesto


This is my go to pasta dish, it is so good and filling. You basically choose whichever pasta you like the most. It works with spaghetti really well, but any other pasta also. I basically start with onion, garlic, carrots and chicken and fry them in olive oil. Then I add pesto (I buy pre made pesto, but you can make it at home also) and a little bit of cooking cream. For seasoning I add salt, pepper, dried basil and any other spicy that I feel like using. I never make the exact same, I like to use different spices. You cook that for a bit on low heat and when pasta is ready you mix sauce with pasta. You serve it with parmesan cheese and fresh basil leaves.

Indulge in the rich flavors of chicken curry risotto paired with a refreshing side salad

Toast with avocado and shredded boiled eggs


This is a very easy meal. You start with shredding boiled eggs, I know it sounds weird, but it works with this meal. You mash some avocados and add a little bit of salt and pepper. You make some toasts and put avocado paste on top and follow with putting shredded boiled eggs on top. You add any spices on top. I use an American mixture of spices and it works really well.


Curry chicken risotto with arugula salad


Arugula salad is easy to make, you add some arugula, some cherry tomatoes, spring onions, cucumber and fresh pepper. Mix that all together, add extra virgin olive oil, a little bit of lemon juice of lemon, salt, pepper and some dry herbs spice. Risotto is also easy to make, you start with some onion, garlic, carrots and chicken, fry them in olive oil and then add rice and fry it a bit. Then you add water, put a lid on and cook on low heat until rice is soft. You are supposed to add some salt, pepper, curry and kurkuma spice. Don’t add too much kurkuma, as the rice can have a sour taste. Make sure you taste while cooking, but believe me risotto turns out amazing. Arugula salad goes amazingly with risotto, I always eat them together.

Savor the flavors of Italy with my delightful pesto pasta topped with succulent grilled chicken

Toast with pesto, mozzarella, tomato and fresh basil


Oh I love this. This is amazing for any occasion, it is easy to make and super quick. You cut some bread into bigger pieces and put pesto on top. Then you add pieces of fresh mozzarella and tomatoes. Put it in the oven till mozzarella melts and then take them out. You put some himalayan salt on top and ground pepper. Also on top add some fresh basil leaves. This is so good and honestly it is one of my favourite quick meals to have.


That’s all from me for today. I hope you enjoyed this blog post. It is a bit different to my usual content, but I thought it was a nice change. Let me know how you like this type of blog post? What are your favourite blog posts to read? Let me know if you enjoy cooking? What is your favourite food to prepare? What is your favourite type of cousine? Thank you for reading. Have a nice day! xx

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