
Cooling face massage – Sinsay cooling face massagers review


I always wanted to get cooling face massagers, it just intrigued me so much. Every time you watch Instagram reels or tik toks where girls show their skin care, it would usually involve some sort of massagers. I already tried Jade rollers and Gua Sha and I like them to be honest. One day I was scrolling through a Sinsay store for some nice and affordable home goods, when I saw these massagers. They immediately got my attention and luckily they were 30% off, so the price was really reasonable and it got me excited to finally try a cooling face massage. When I was paying for all the stuff I got I realised that these Sinsay massagers were more than 60% off, so I think I paid around 3 Euros for them, which is really affordable. I like beauty gadgets and these types of products so testing them out is really interesting to me. Today I’ll tell you a little bit more on cooling face massage and its advantages and will also give my opinion on the quality of these Sinsay face massagers.

Packaging of these massagers is pretty simple and honestly it is nothing special, but I think it still looks nice and modern. I like the colour of liquid inside of massagers, it is really pretty. On packaging you get instructions on how to use these massagers and how to perform massages. These massagers are glass, so you have to be careful not to break them. You are supposed to insert these massagers in the fridge or freezer, depending how cool you want them to be and then use them to perform a cooling face massage. I usually put these in the freezer for 5 minutes or so and then use them. You can use these on your face, neck and eyes to reduce puffiness and promote circulation. But you should avoid direct contact with eyes of course. These massagers are really great quality, I can’t say anything bad about them. The price that I paid for these is really small for the quality I got, so I definitely recommend these Sinsay massagers. Original price of Sinsay face massagers was around 7 Euros, which is still pretty affordable.

Experience the soothing power of our Sinsay Cooling Face Massager. It's your ticket to a relaxing, revitalizing skincare routine. Stay refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to take on the day

Cooling facial massage obviously has so many benefits. It is relaxing, especially during summer and intense summer heat, it will nicely cool you down, but also relax your skin and face, lowering pressure in the head. Cooling face massage is also depuffing, it promotes better circulation in your face and body. Cooling face massage also boosts skin healthy glow, reduces signs of ageing, such as wrinkles. It can also reduce swelling and inflammation, including rashes and insect bites. Cooling facial massage can nicely relax your face and reduce stress as you are taking time for yourself and actually enjoying some down time. You can also use these massagers on your body to soothe sunburns that can be really annoying. I personally really like cooling face massage, I’m not sure if I will like it a lot during winter because I’m always so cold. But during summer it is so nice, refreshing and relaxing. I don’t really have a problem with my face swelling up or being puffy in the morning, but using these face massagers in the morning to wake up seems like the perfect idea. I like these in the morning while I have my first cup of coffee, it is just so enjoyable and just a perfect morning ritual. Now obviously I don’t have time for this during the week, when I’m super busy, but I treat myself to this morning ritual at least once a week during the weekend.


Cooling face massage is really something special and if you are sceptical about it, try it and see how it works for you. I’m a big fan obviously that is why I made this blog post to share my love for this type of massage. This is just a perfect care ritual once a week that will really do good for your skin and giving skin a nice relaxing massage is really essential to keep your skin look good and feel good. We all live stressful, busy lives, with work and usually daily chores, so giving yourself some “me” time is really important. For me this is not just taking care of skin but actually doing something for me, relaxing myself, taking much needed time for myself and my mental health. If you don’t like these types of treatments, then find something else that will relax you and make you feel happy and fulfilled.

Discover the art of cooling massage - a blissful escape from the daily grind. Our techniques and tools provide relaxation, pain relief, and a moment of pure serenity

That’s all from me today. I hope you enjoyed this blog post about cooling face massage and quick review on Sinsay face massagers. Obviously you can find this type of massager everywhere, they are quite popular so make sure to find the best suitable ones for you. I’m really happy with these and I hope I’ll have them for a long time. As they are glass I’ll have to be careful while using them, but I hope they will last me a long time. Have you ever used this type of face massagers? Do you like performing face massages? What is your favourite beauty treatment? Did you ever shop in Sinsay? It is a store similar to Primark, it just has everything! Thank you for reading. Have a nice day! xx

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